How to Keep Skin Beautiful and Refreshed During Pregnancy

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

Circumstances a woman's body which was pregnant, so does the skin may be drawn from the use of body care instructions to all the changes that occur in her body.

At this time, then an ordinary woman will spend a lot of effort for the body and keep skin fresh and radiant. Thus, pregnant women in desperate need of diligence and seriousness are great for body and skin care.

Indeed pregnancy is a physiological process which is shown by the many changes in hormones important / vital and affect the organs of the body, and all within the limits of the equilibrium of the body, then it is a reasonable change, but if the hormonal changes it to protect the boundary- boundary is already known, then the woman was classified as being sick.

And differences in the appearance of a single woman with other women, and often a good / healthy skin is because she was pregnant, and began to look clean and fresh, as we have seen in your hair and grow thick and beautiful. All this because of the growing number of female hormones, and sometimes the hormonal changes that caused him pain, including:

1. Changes in skin color and body, where some places become a bit dark as the area around the eye, and chest wall.

2. The emergence of small blood vessels in certain areas, such as face, calves, and chest. And this is common during pregnancy in the two months to five of pregnancy and disappears after delivery.

3. The skin around the arms and palms will be reddish, and sometimes in conjunction with the release of veins. And this is reasonable because of the female hormone changes, and changes become larger during pregnancy.

4. The growth of skin excretion in several areas: calves, chest, and sometimes also feels thin when touched, also sometimes grow skin that are similar or a little bit thick. And that was not why because it would disappear after giving birth, and easily removed the marks.

5. The emergence of long lines in the skin content as a result of fetal development and will disappear after delivery. It's usually a line extending below the abdomen, both thighs, and both breasts, as well as the area under the armpit.

6. Sometimes in the last months of pregnancy appear dark spots in areas that are commonly seen, such as the face, cheeks, forehead, nose, called plaques. This is caused by cells in the skin color of many foods is influenced by pituitary hormones, so he took out the color of cells in large amounts, which absorbed these cells when exposed to sunlight. Then the cells into the color of dark spots. There are a number of things that experienced by pregnant women, such as feeling feverish / ill. However, this is not too dangerous, and it happens because the spin or movement of the fetus in the uterus for several months, so the incentive to move the uterus is the organ where the fetus was not there before. Feeling feverish / this pain is bad form experienced by pregnant women without feeling himself "ugly". Feeling feverish is increased in the last months more special. And drugs against this situation is compressed with warm water and gentle. Also sometimes develop a kind of harvest similar in general exfoliation that occurs in late pregnancy periods.

The latter is accompanied biasannya yellowish discharge of water and warm as a result of internal movement of some hormones and hormones sense of taste for food distribution to the fetus. But in general, this will disappear on its own after delivery.

Thus, women who are pregnant are advised to eliminate or minimize the above matters by doing the things below:

1. Often compress with cold water without using soap containing a perfume. Because the content of perfume is derived from chemicals that cause dry skin. And are advised to always use the medical soap that does not contain chemical substances. Also, it is advisable to do the massage on the whole body with a rotating movement to strengthen the blood circulation.

2. Do not get too much use of cosmetics tools, because the majority contain chemical perfume and will damage the skin senses, and even encourage the emergence of skin blemishes, especially if exposed to sunlight. 3. Avoid yourself from wearing clothes made of synthetic material because it will cause skin allergies.

4. When experiencing an allergic skin, use cream softener after consultation with a doctor and avoid eating some foods that will add to this allergy. Foods that are like strawberries, mango, banana, or chocolate.

5. Selective in choosing food, and priority is food that is consumed that contains vitamin A, in which vitamin it is most needed and help your stamina, such as elements that maintain the stability of the skin condition. Therefore, these vitamins are more in a state strengthens the skin, so it does not dry. This vitamin is contained in vegetables (foliage).

And one who is pregnant should keep his skin with a variety of protein and calcium found in meat and eggs, red beans, vegetables, butter, milk contained in the eggs, as well as vitamins, minerals in the vegetables that are still fresh, and fruit- fruits. Also, should really stay away from foods that are spicy and contains a lot of spices because it will add to an allergy to the skin. And finally we said, do not be refused in circumstances befall you (as we already explained above) during this pregnancy for all these things will disappear after delivery.

However, do not forget that your body is like a beautiful flower and fun and will need care so that bertambahlah beauty and your light. So, if you want to keep your body and keep your skin fresh and glowing,

try to follow our tricks above.
More aboutHow to Keep Skin Beautiful and Refreshed During Pregnancy

How to Overcome Insomnia?

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

  Disturbed sleep or insomnia also called (in which someone who had difficulty sleeping or bad sleeping, As insomnia can invade into almost any age, even a study said that about 30% - 50% of the population experiencing insomnia. digit patient insomnia / disturbed sleep due to rise with age, and can be caused by the stress faced by paa people who are elderly. People with insomnia, more often experienced by the NII in the women compared to men.

There are some useful tips to overcome insomnia, including:

1. Maintain physical fitness and exercise routine. 

2. Schedule a long time and regular sleep, and obey the schedule. Schedule a biological clock too messy make a mess so that sleep disturbances occur. Conversely, regularity can easily step in Day-rested the next day. 

3. Create an environment around us as comfortable as possible to sleep. Eliminate all that annoying sound, like droplets on the faucet light. 

4. Warm bath at night, also drinks such as milk, juice, or green tea, can help facilitate sleep.
5. Avoid sleeping in an atmosphere of hunger or satiety. 

6. Turn off or Dim the lights, do not sleep with electronic transmitter equipment (television, computer, laptop) is still burning. 

7. Write a plan for task / burden for the next day, calm yourself before sleep. Many people are busy mermikirkan workload to interfere with his rest. Better to schedule it on paper, diaries, or organizer, the burden passed, current schedule does not make tired tomorrow, good night was delicious. 

8. Do not linger in bed when not sleepy, do light activities to provoke sleepiness. Avoid bed before we feel sleepy. 

9.Make a bed for rest, do not work in the bed. The researchers know only bedroom in the two functions: to perform sexual activities and to sleep. When the bedroom and the mattress has been used for other functions, it will reduce the quality of the dugout. So, do not ever unite bedroom with den or study. For those who still boarding, should enable small parts room as good as possible. Thus, the mattress is only used for sleeping, while the rest, doing activities such as studying or watching TV in other places.

More aboutHow to Overcome Insomnia?

100 Main Causes of Low Back Pain Behavior Is Wrong

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

More than 100 causes of pain or back pain (upper), and waist (the bottom), but the factors causing it is the most wrong behavior in relation to the back. Dr. Hasan Basyuni, Lecturer Department of Medical Science and Rheumatism Univ. Al-Azhar of Egypt, in a scientific study about some wrong behavior in everyday life that causes pain or back pain, is a kind of heavy burden in the wrong way, too loud or heavy exercise, long sitting, sitting behavior In the car, avoid excessive fat, all this is the cause of pain in the waist.

This pain is sometimes occur simultaneously with other more dangerous diseases and more chronic back pain such as waking. This disease is called rheumatism menimpah backbone.Dr Basyuni said that the pain of rheumatic diseases in the backbone upon which many elderly people is one of the symptoms of prostate cancer.

This is due to the absence of treatment where the disease affects the cancer cells along the spine, and there was "very painful" in the lower back (waist). About 50% of people affected by arthritis or bone pain or nerve in his back. However, his 85% of cartilage that causes low back pain. This does not require surgery. Similarly, dizziness and back pain could have its own form of pain such as anxiety and worry.

Seeing so important to do a serious treatment, either through magnetic waves, bisanay exercises, or anything else, it is not enough just to rely on this healing model. Moreover, if patients require surgery on his back. Because many of the rheumatic conditions experienced by the people on the bone fragility caused no one any pain.

Dr. Basyuni said that lower back pain (hip) did not have a specific annual stages, although the majority of patients who come to the doctor on average between the ages of 20-40 years.Therefore, the severity of this disease, although perceived by young people who have nothing to do with one type of these types of rheumatism.

The pains are felt in the hip after walking and felt also in the two sit bones, mostly due to the narrowness of bone tissue sitting.This can be caused by genetic factors or because terkilirnya cartilage in the bone tissue sitting. So, usually a person will feel lighter pain when standing. And about how the treatment of bone pain, Dr. Basyuni said many good treatments and varied between the drugs dis-relievers and sedatives organ function in various forms, such as a pill capsule, until the type of natural medicine in the form of specific exercises for patients. Dr. Basyuni explained that the majority of these treatments can only reduce the pain only, then when it exercises the muscles of the waist, then the pain was coming back.

More about100 Main Causes of Low Back Pain Behavior Is Wrong

Negative Effects of Sleep Deprivation

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

When you have good sleep quality, then all body activity and activity of daily life will run smoothly. Conversely, if poor sleep quality, a variety of negative effects appear. These adverse effects can you experience if you sleep less than 7-9 hours / day, and if you do not sleep soundly.

1. Desire fatty snack foods increased Lack of sleep can eliminate the hormone that regulates appetite.As a result, the desire to eat fatty foods and high in carbohydrates will increase. So cause you want a high calorie intake. If you sleep for 2 nights is not of very can trigger excessive hunger. This condition occurs because the hormone ghrelin stimulates appetite, and leptin mengurango as appetite suppressant. Over time, this can lead to weight gain. In a study conducted on identical twins by the University of Washington found that those sleeping 7-9 hours every night, the average body mass index of 24.8, almost 2 points lower than the average Body Mass Index (BMI) of their lack of sleep.

2. Antibodies to be weak Based on the JAMA study, those who slept less than 7 hours per night could be 3 times more prone to feeling cold. Other studies have found, in men who sleep less will fail to maintain the body's immune response or immunity normally after receiving a flu shot.Those who sleep less, antibodies that work after the vaccination only lasts a maximum of 10 days. These conditions are very dangerous. therefore, improve sleep quality, to boost your immune system. If too little time to sleep your immune system could be disrupted.

3. Susceptible to diabetes Sugar is the fuel every cell in your body. If the processing process can cause adverse effects disturbed. In a study by the University of Chicago, USA, which examined a number of people for 6 days, get this condition can develop resistance to insulin, a hormone that helps transport glucose from the bloodstream into the cells. Those who slept less than 6 hours per night in a 6-day study found that the process occurs improper sugar metabolism. The result can cause the onset of diabetes.

4. Stress increases Studies by the University of Chicago also found a 'blind eye' is less than 7 hours could increase the production of cortisol or stress hormones. Even in the afternoon and at night can increase heart rate, blood pressure and blood glucose that can lead to hypertension, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

5. Trigger anxiety Anxiety every night surely will continue to haunt those who have poor sleep quality. Body reaction could be decreased. More chronic again, feeling happy is not going over their lives that lack of sleep. "Sleep and mood is governed by the same brain chemical," said Joyce Walsleben, PhD. This can increase the risk of developing depression, but probably only for those already susceptible to disease.

6. Looked older Those that lack of sleep usually have pale skin and tired face."Even worse, increased levels of cortisol can slow the production of collagen which triggered the wrinkles more quickly," said Jyotsna Sahni, MD, a sleep problem at Canyon Ranch, Tucson.

7. Various pain can arise Not surprisingly, chronic pain such as back problems or arthritis can only occur when you perform activities of poor sleep. In a study from Johns Hopkins Behavioral Sleep Medicine Program, director Michael Smith, PhD, waking healthy young adults for 20 minutes every hour for 8 hours for 3 consecutive days. As a result, they have a lower pain tolerance, and easy to experience pain.

8. Higher cancer risk Exercise helps prevent cancer, but too little shut eye can damage the protective effect. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health study examined nearly 6,000 women for about a decade and found that sports fans who slept 7 hours or less per night have a 50% greater chance of cancer than those who regularly do gymnastics and have a good sleep quality . The reason, poor quality sleep can cause hormonal and metabolic disorders associated with cancer risk, and can 'delete' the benefits of exercise.

More aboutNegative Effects of Sleep Deprivation

Nutritional Needs Children Affect Intelligence

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

Research shows no link between short body and level of intelligence. If the beginning is not there a balance weight and height, it will affect the formation of the brain. Therefore, the nutritional needs of infants from the fetus until the age of five years should be met promptly. Standardization Section Head, Sub Micro Nutrition, Directorate General of Public Health Nutrition at the Health Department Dr Atmarita confirms that in Jakarta, yesterday, on the sidelines of the XII National Congress and the scientific meeting Nutritionist Association of Indonesia (Persagi). 

According Atmarita, child development is very slow due to the formation of the brain and the body is not good due to bad nutrition. "That's the most important thing is the human diet since the baby's birth until age five, and if not met, the growth of brain and body is not good. Children with short body, he argued, means that nutritional status in the past has been chronic, "explained Atmarita. 
More aboutNutritional Needs Children Affect Intelligence

Types of Vaginal Inflammation

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

Fungous vaginal inflammation.
itching outside the vagina, from the outside until the vaginal pain,there are like skin leukorea know, sometimes accompanied by a lot of urine, painful urination and painful intercourse.

Inflammation of the vagina is not normal.
such as decreased vaginal, hot, uncomfortable pelvic bone cavityand
no powerful body. The fluid in the vagina increases, purulent,thick and smelly. because the fluid stimulates the urinary tracts,causing a lot of urine, unable to hold urine and pain at a time when urinating.

Inflammation of the vagina is old age.
leukorea increases, yellow, thick, if it becomes severe pus,smelling, sometimes there are drops of blood, outside vaginalitching and hot, dry and sore, swollen belly, peeing a lot, notsuspended, sick, etc..

Inflammation of the vagina are bacterial.
Leukorea increases, greyish white, thin, bubbly, red pussy,
blood spots, outer vaginal itching, pain and heat, the smell pussy.

More aboutTypes of Vaginal Inflammation

Coronary Heart Disease is Very Deadly

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

In developing countries like America, Britain, Singapore, and Indonesia for example, coronary heart disease is one of pengancam human soul that is still very rampant in addition to other epidemics such as avian influenza or a natural disaster. 

It has been a lot of people who died of this disease, and operating costs to cure patients of coronary heart disease is also very expensive. Although the disease generally attacks people who are relatively old enough, around the age of 50 years and upwards, we must not relax our vigilance and our knowledge of coronary heart disease, since this disease originated from the negligence of us when we were young. 
More aboutCoronary Heart Disease is Very Deadly

Instant Foods / Ready to Eat are similar to Drug Addiction

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

True, ... a variety of instant foods (fast food) is the same position with us taking drugs and this is the responsibility of the experts.And experts in this field already warning instant fatty foods, rich in oil and could cause addiction or addiction in common with people addicted to drugs, like heroin. And researchers at the Univ. Brinstone England to obtain this amazing data to test its validity among people who eat small amounts is not due to a lack of desire and the appetite, but due to certain addictive substances are used. And the experts said that if this product is really healthy, and that the human body becomes addicted to oil and sugar that is in the food, then it could explain the fat content (fat) additives that spread in the western world.
More aboutInstant Foods / Ready to Eat are similar to Drug Addiction

How To Create A Healthy Lifestyle

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

Every day we are faced with pollution, radiation, millions of viruses, bacteria, fungus and other toxins, which are ready to attack us and cause various diseases. Keeping the immune system is a best defense.

The immune system is a systemconsisting of blood cells and glands are complex, to protect thebody from; Radiation, Pollution, toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungiand other parasites with a comfortable stay and breed in ourbody.
Often we do not care and take them for granted until we are attacked by various diseases. And realize that we havedecreased immunity, and often treatment measures have beendelayed.

The factors that make our immune system decline andare vulnerable to various diseases are:
1. The pattern of life that is not true, not enough rest, and exerciseare not regular.
2. Our diet is not healthy, fast food is not enough nutrientsneeded by the body.
3. And an unhealthy environment (pollution & radiation).
More aboutHow To Create A Healthy Lifestyle

How To Take Care Your Skin Before Sleep

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/16/20113/03/20113/02/20113/01/2011

Skin Care By Sleep 

 After sticking with the makeup, oil, face the weather, and the other day, the skin needs your loving touch at night. Yes, the night is a very tiring and you want a break and lie down. But be careful, lazily watching the skin at night cans damage the skin in the future. The Following tips from Lisa Ginn, MD, cosmetic dermatologist from WebMD to treat the skin at night:

Washing your face at night Lazy to clean your face at night will of cause skin problems in the future. Makeup That night against the face cans cause acne and even makes Enlarged pores, the which means it makes skin look older Than it Should. It is recommended to remove makeup before bed, the product of oil-based makeup remover cans help lift a Difficult makeup removed, Such as waterproof without damaging the skin. Use cotton wool to remove impurities from the skin and continue with a gentle facial cleanser. 

Collagen with Vitamin A As We age, our collagen production will from be reduced. "If your skin never stops producing collagen, the skin will from not Appear aging face, no wrinkles, no large pores, and will from always be looking smooth and firm. Collagen is the key to skin look young," said Ginn. To stimulate production of collagen, the which helps eliminate fine lines and reduce large pores, Ginn recommended to apply facial creams contain vitamin A or That That contain retinoids. Retinoids cans help reduce the brown stain on the face. Find a safe and branded products, and is believed to credibility.

Eye cream For Eyes That look more fresh, eye cream is a must. The skin around the eyes is thinner Than other parts of the body. As age increases, depleted skin in the area, the which means section looks much thinner and Darker. Ginn suggest an eye cream or serum with vitamins A, C, E, or K, the which helps improv Brighten the skin and the dark eye circles. If you are using a serum, you will of need a lightweight eye cream to help skin stay hydrated.

Replace the side sleeping Ginn said that those WHO sleep on one side of the Same every night at risk of Causing wrinkles in the area. WHO recommends people Ginn That Used to sleep sideways to change the side of the bed, if you usually sleep with the left cheek against the pillow, this time to change so That the right cheek is attached to the pillow. Better yet if sleeping on Their Backs.

Happy Ginn emphasizes, to Appear beautiful, one has to feel good Also.If you're happy, then more fresh faces will from telrihat. What goes on inside will from be visible on the face. So, take a Few Minutes a day to read a funny story or watch a funny video on YouTube, take the time to take a walk, call a friend, or enjoy a piece of chocolate. That's all for the sake of beauty.

Hands and feet beautiful The face is not the only body part That requires treatment. Skin of the feet and hands Also need the affection.

Leg. Several nights per week, apply the foot and heel with a lotion containing lactic acid, the which help lift the cans dry skin.Add to this with a strong body cream, the which contains shea butter or glycerin. Then, wear a pair of socks to protect the cream all night while you sleep. If You Want to open socks at night, never mind, Because it wraps the foot all night with cans dampness causes mold growth.

Hand. It is Difficult to use a strong hand cream all day and not leave residue here and there. So, in order to keep it moist and beautiful hands, not dry, use lotion cream at night. Apply on hands, elbows and cuticles before Bedtime.

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