Being Healthy and Fit is always in Old Age

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 5/02/2011

Being healthy and fit is always in old age

Stay healthy and fit until the elderly (seniors), is the dream of many people. Unfortunately, now even more people who experience premature aging. In addition, the older the person, the more diseases to him. Among the medical world call it a''secondary''aging that causes stiff joints, the body senses function declines, feeling tired and a series of diseases that accompany it. Indeed the effects of aging can be controlled, it can even be slowed dramatically. How how?

HOW or the key is good health. For what's longevity, if the bones brittle, hanging skin as wrinkles, stricken with various diseases after another, and constantly stressed. A good healthy habits that aadalah eat well, exercise, leave the bad habits, and maintain a positive mind and attitude to life. That is, control our own lives and still feel young continues. Here are some things that require attention.

Weight Loss
If you are afraid because it has a weight (BW) redundant, you are not alone. Excess body weight may be a health problem in itself. No doubt that people who are too fat will become old faster than normal weight people. However, there are going wrong about this. No average person and thus there is no average weight for someone with a high, sex, or a certain age.

That's why you should avoid the term "excess weight". If your goal down to BB, then you are chasing the wrong goal. Your goal should dispose of excess body fat. Because fat in sufficient quantities it is very necessary in life. To survive, he needs at least 3% fat from BB, women need 12%. Even to be able to experience menstruation and fertility, women need fat to 20% of the BB. For the elderly, the ideal body fat percentage for women is between 20-30% and 15-25% male. Ideal body weight is not the same person, depending on age, gender, body shape, speed metabolism, genes, physical activity, and lifestyle. To measure body fat percentage can be done at the health club or with the help of a dietician.

If you are a former athlete, maybe just above your normal body weight by height and physique, but you do not excess weight because most of your weight is muscle and bone. If you have a lot of sitting and inactivity, you can have BB "normal" but too much fat because most of your weight is fat and not much muscle in your body. The body burns calories nine times more to convert food into muscle (meat) than to convert food into fat.

This can happen with diet and exercise enough and regularly. This can explain why with only 5-10% weight loss, risk of degenerative diseases to decrease. Along with exercise, watch your diet. Limit your intake of cholesterol, salt, and sugar. So, if you regularly exercise without or with a slightly decreased body weight, hang in there. Your metabolism better, and it is far more important than weight itself.

The idea of a diet to get rid of BB is a bad idea. Especially, if only to follow the diet, meaning that you only do it temporarily until they reach a certain goal. Once that goal is reached, you will usually live a normal life again. That means the diet is only successful for a short period and will return to its original weight, even higher. This syndrome is called "yo-yo". People who maintain her weight for stable, although somewhat overweight, have a smaller chance of heart attack than those who raise and lower his body weight over and over again. Better and healthier get rid of fat a little but maintained rather than pursue the unrealistic goal.

The human body consists mainly of water (62.4%), protein (16.9%), fat (13.8%), as well as carbohydrate and minerals (6.9%). To achieve such a body composition, humans fulfill through foods that contain nutrients, which is obtained in the form of food ingredients derived from animals and plants. One kind of food alone can not meet all the nutrients the body needs a wide range of types and amounts. To achieve nutritional excellence, need to be filled with two things - eat a variety of foods from all groups, and ate food in appropriate quantity and quality.

Humans require 45 nutrients for life. Nutrients are grouped into 5 major groups - carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Nutritional needs for every human being is different, depending on gender, age, activity, body size and composition, as well as environmental elements. Consumption of adequate food and balanced in the elderly is useful in addition to survival, as well as to prevent and reduce the possibility of a common disease in the elderly.

In the elderly, decreased energy requirements in connection with age. This is because the number of active cells which resulted in less physical activity decreases. Widya Karya According to the National Food and Nutrition 1988, the recommended nutritional intake for elderly men is 2100 calories, while women 1700 calories. Here are the details of the nutrients needed by the body;

1. Energy needs will begin to decline at age 40-49 years about 5% and at age 50-69 years decreased 10%, so the amount of food consumed is also reduced.

2. Carbohydrates are the main energy source for the people of Indonesia. The use of carbohydrate relative decline in the elderly because of their energy needs also declined. If you exceed the needs, the body is converted into fat.

3. Protein function in the elderly is no longer for growth, but for maintenance and replacement of cells damaged tissue, as well as setting the body's physiological functions. In the elderly do not need much protein consumption because the addition will be converted into fat, excessive amounts will burden the kidneys and liver function.

4. Fat is a source of backup power, as well as an insulator (body armor) from the weather, the protector of the various organs of the body, and a carrier or solvent of some vitamins (A, D, E, K). Consumption of excess fat in the elderly should be avoided because it can increase body fat, particularly blood cholesterol. It is advisable to reduce consumption of animal fats and increasing use of vegetable fats.

5. The need for vitamins in the elderly is not much different from the needs of the young. Many people think one of the vitamins that are considered the only element of food that can solve the problem of food. Needs vitamins just a little because its function only as an incentive to speed up the process of metabolism, regulatory or auxiliary functions of the network or part of an enzyme.

6. In general minerals the body needs in small amounts. In the elderly often found a lack of food intake in various types of minerals, like iron and calcium. The main functions of minerals are as building materials and regulators. Mineral deficiencies can cause various diseases, such as anemia / anemia (iron deficiency), and mumps (iodine deficiency).

7. Water demand increases with age. By reducing the ability of the kidneys and the waters have an important role as a carrier body metabolism. They are the elderly are encouraged to consume at least 8 glasses of water every day.

8. Fiber in the diet can help promote digestion bowel movement and prevent constipation. Raw foods contain lots of fiber are vegetables, fruits, and grains, especially the remaining husk. If the lack of fiber, dirt so hard, so that the necessary force or pressure to remove it from the body. This strong pressure can cause veins (vein) around the burrow release (rectum / anus) dilated, who accompanied the lumps are called hemorrhoids (pile / hemorrhoids). Enough fiber and water in daily diet plus regular exercise will facilitate the work of digestion equipment, so that constipation and hemorrhoids can be prevented. But excessive consumption of fiber, especially coupled fiber supplements without your doctor's instructions are not good for the health of the elderly, because it would reduce revenue vital substances.

Wherever possible eat fruits and fresh intact. A complete apple with the skin for example is much better than a glass of apple cider. The less heat received at the time of cooked vegetables, the better because the fiber and nutritional content is more awake. Gado-gado and more useful than stir-fry vegetables or vegetable ve.

The increasing elderly population in Indonesia has become the land of interest to the marketing of different drugs and supplements related to the elderly. However, if the elderly need to get that extra range?

Doctor Saleh Danu Sulanto R SpFK of the Center for Clinical Pharmacology and Policy Studies, Gadjah Mada University Medicine as one of the speakers in "Pharmacy Symposium on elderly" in order "First National Meeting Work III Conference of Medical Society of Gerontology (PERGEMI) in Semarang, said an array of time ago , benefit from drugs and supplements that heavily promoted it is still a big question mark. There are drugs that are not beneficial to the elderly. For example, a drug that claimed to treat senile body and soul, prevent hypertrophy of the prostate, as well as drugs aprodisiaka, expectorant, analeptika, and antiobesitas. The drugs are more risky than beneficial in the elderly. "So the use of drugs in the elderly need special attention and under the supervision of a doctor," he said.

Promotion of drugs and supplements are often only market-oriented so that sometimes overlook things that might harm consumers. For example, no mention of the active substances they contain, do not mention side effects, or excessive claims by mentioning one drug could cure various diseases. "Rarely have the efficacy of one drug can cure so many diseases," said Sulanto.

Unfortunately, consumer knowledge as described is even overlooked in the elderly. So assume that drugs or supplements that are promoted suitable for herself, directly purchased. "Whereas the elderly who are good enough nutritional intake each day does not have to eat supplements. If from the daily diet is adequate, what additional use supplements, which means additional spending unnecessary money," he explained.

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