Types of Vaginal Inflammation

post by go to a healthy lifestyle on 3/01/2011

Fungous vaginal inflammation.
itching outside the vagina, from the outside until the vaginal pain,there are like skin leukorea know, sometimes accompanied by a lot of urine, painful urination and painful intercourse.

Inflammation of the vagina is not normal.
such as decreased vaginal, hot, uncomfortable pelvic bone cavityand
no powerful body. The fluid in the vagina increases, purulent,thick and smelly. because the fluid stimulates the urinary tracts,causing a lot of urine, unable to hold urine and pain at a time when urinating.

Inflammation of the vagina is old age.
leukorea increases, yellow, thick, if it becomes severe pus,smelling, sometimes there are drops of blood, outside vaginalitching and hot, dry and sore, swollen belly, peeing a lot, notsuspended, sick, etc..

Inflammation of the vagina are bacterial.
Leukorea increases, greyish white, thin, bubbly, red pussy,
blood spots, outer vaginal itching, pain and heat, the smell pussy.

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