Disturbed sleep or insomnia also called (in which someone who had difficulty sleeping or bad sleeping, As insomnia can invade into almost any age, even a study said that about 30% - 50% of the population experiencing insomnia. digit patient insomnia / disturbed sleep due to rise with age, and can be caused by the stress faced by paa people who are elderly. People with insomnia, more often experienced by the NII in the women compared to men.
There are some useful tips to overcome insomnia, including:
1. Maintain physical fitness and exercise routine.
2. Schedule a long time and regular sleep, and obey the schedule. Schedule a biological clock too messy make a mess so that sleep disturbances occur. Conversely, regularity can easily step in Day-rested the next day.
3. Create an environment around us as comfortable as possible to sleep. Eliminate all that annoying sound, like droplets on the faucet light.
4. Warm bath at night, also drinks such as milk, juice, or green tea, can help facilitate sleep.
5. Avoid sleeping in an atmosphere of hunger or satiety.
6. Turn off or Dim the lights, do not sleep with electronic transmitter equipment (television, computer, laptop) is still burning.
7. Write a plan for task / burden for the next day, calm yourself before sleep. Many people are busy mermikirkan workload to interfere with his rest. Better to schedule it on paper, diaries, or organizer, the burden passed, current schedule does not make tired tomorrow, good night was delicious.
8. Do not linger in bed when not sleepy, do light activities to provoke sleepiness. Avoid bed before we feel sleepy.
9.Make a bed for rest, do not work in the bed. The researchers know only bedroom in the two functions: to perform sexual activities and to sleep. When the bedroom and the mattress has been used for other functions, it will reduce the quality of the dugout. So, do not ever unite bedroom with den or study. For those who still boarding, should enable small parts room as good as possible. Thus, the mattress is only used for sleeping, while the rest, doing activities such as studying or watching TV in other places.
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